Social Program
Coming soon!
Country presentations
Apart from being a scientific event, SymBioSE has a strong emphasis on meeting people from different nations and cultures.
Each of you will get a chance to introduce the country you represent (i.e., the country of your studies) to your fellow Symbionts and share your experience with them. We will do this during the short country presentations every evening. This is a very informal part of SymBioSE, and the format is completely open to you and other people from your country.
We, however, would ask you to keep the presentations between 10 and 15 minutes.
How to make a country presentation?
Have fun! This is not about giving a detailed report on your country’s geography, economics and history. What would you tell your friends, if they asked you to tell them more about your experience?
Get creative! Making a good country presentation has never been simple, and having to deliver it via the internet does not help. Usually, sketches, dances, singing, bringing traditional food and drinks have been the way to go about it, while the “classroom” Powerpoint presentations have been less of a success. While we can hardly share some traditional food this year, maybe recording a quick cooking tutorial could work? ;)
Team up! You are (in most cases) not the only representative of your country. Brainstorming together and distributing the tasks between multiple people will make it easier.
Start early. While it is totally okay to simply say a few words about your country without any preparation, starting in advance gives you more time to prepare an engaging presentation - especially if you want to record a video together or rehearse your sketch.
Don’t say too much. It’s not about facts and figures. It’s also not about a comprehensive overview from Wikipedia. It’s absolutely fine to focus on one specific aspect. Please remember about the time limit!
Don’t say too little. The best country presentation does not exist. The worst country presentation is the one that didn’t happen. Don’t be shy, we are really looking forward to hearing your story!